Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The God of 2nd Chances

It's amazing how people sometimes view God as angry - full of wrath and vengeance - as if he is some moody alcoholic who explodes at the first sign of spilled milk.

As if this all-knowing and all-intelligent being, who, with the breath of his mouth created humanity and our entire reality somehow 'snaps' and goes ballistic when we do things wrong.

Really? Do people actually believe God is like that? Do you act like that toward your kids?

It's a lie you know. 

It's a very intentional, specific lie that an extremely evil being wants you to believe because after all, who wants to draw near to an unpredictable, crazy father. Right?

When Jesus was here, people asked him all the time what God is like. Jesus found it best to tell little stories about his Father - stories seemed to be the best way to convey who God really is.

One of these stories is about a woman who lost one of her ten coins. In the story, Jesus is comparing the woman with God, and the coins are each one of us. The woman searches frantically, turns all the lights on, sweeps the floor, etc. She is desperate to find the lost coin. Finally she finds the lost coin and calls all her friends and neighbors over to her house to rejoice with her because she found it. At the end of the story Jesus says, "That's the kind of party God's angels throw every time one lost soul turns to God."

To really drive the point home, Jesus told another two stories which are very similar. One is about a lost sheep, and one is about a lost son. For more info, here are my <thoughts> on that one.

Don't believe the lies about God. He is all-loving, he is all-patient and if you're far from him he is frantically searching for you and waiting to forgive you - all you need to do is ask. Jesus gave his life for you to make that possible. Aren't you glad that's the truth about God?

He is the God of 2nd chances.