Friday, September 30, 2016

Cross Over the Jordan

The LORD led the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery, through the Red Sea and into the freedom of His presence and provision. For 40 years they wandered aimlessly through the desert learning to trust His guidance as they followed the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. The cloud shaded them from the daytime heat, the fire warmed them during the nighttime cold. "Manna" appeared on the ground every morning - bread crumbs from heaven to satisfy their hunger. Water flowed from rocks for their thirst. Throughout the 40 years their "clothes did not wear out, nor did the sandals on their feet" (Deut. 29:5). They were cared for just as we care for our children today with shelter, food, drink, clothing and the security of our presence. This was their "childhood". The people looked forward to inheriting what was promised to them - the Promised Land - which was a land which was exceedingly beautiful - "a land flowing with milk and honey". After the 40 years they were told to pass over the waters of the Jordan River and enter the land.

When they did, they experienced a complete shift and change.


Instead of passively living in the LORD's mercy and grace and being sustained by Him with food and provisions, they now had to partner with Him in all that they did. They had to actually *occupy* and *take* the land, which required action on their part. They had to cross over the Jordan and shed one way of thinking (passive slaves) for another (proactive sons) because the wilderness paradigm no longer applied. They were "growing up into Him". They were to change their thinking [repent=rethink] by taking hold of their promised possession by *occupying* and *taking* their rightful inheritance, driving out the squatters - the trespassers - the enemy - by force.

This was a shadow of things to come.

Just as the Israelites were delivered from slavery by following the LORD through the Red Sea, we are first delivered by following Him through the waters of baptism. This is what it means to be "born of water."

"Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit." - Jesus

But Jesus said we also must be "born of the Spirit". This is the second body of water to cross - the Jordan River - for the Jordan is what transforms slaves into sons. From "takers" into "makers". The Jordan is what separates wilderness wandering from the Kingdom of God. From renters to owners. This is what it means to be "born of the Spirit". Following the Spirit of God away from the perceived safety and security of today's wilderness toward the hope and future of tomorrow's promise. Toward a land "flowing with milk and honey". Toward your own personal Promised Land. First, through the still waters of the sea. Then, through the rushing waters of the river.

Are you a child of God who feels as if you are wandering aimlessly in the wilderness? Do you love the Lord yet feel like there must be more than water and manna? You may need to cross over the Jordan. Ask God to lead you through the second baptism in rivers of living water. Cross over the Jordan and into your inheritance. Be filled with the "Spirit of sonship". You may need to risk the manna of today in order to receive the honey of tomorrow. New wine requires new wineskins.

May we grow up into Him in all that we are. May we leave the bread crumbs of our childhood for the steak of tomorrow. May we be born of water *and* the Spirit.

"The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." - Romans 8:15

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