Saturday, October 1, 2016

Nature & Nurture

Children are like sponges. They literally soak up all we give them - good or bad. Their memory is amazing. They imitate, they illustrate and they reflect back to us everything we are to them as their parents. Much can be learned about me by spending some time with my kids (scary!). And, likewise, much can be learned about my kids by spending some time with me.

My kids are made in my image and likeness. Not only do they look like me, but they are literally "like" me. My DNA is in every cell of their body and is flowing through their veins. I guess you could say the blueprint for their life is to be "like" me. Their destiny as my children - all they need to "grow up into me" - is contained within them. It is in their very nature to be like me. They are predestined to be conformed to my image.

But, unless they "like" me they will never be like me.

If they don't want to be like me - if they don't enjoy me - if for some reason they feel I have betrayed them or hurt them or done something to violate their trust - they will do one of two things. They will either run away and never talk to me again or they will run away and only come back during the holidays. Our relationship may be cordial from that point forward, but never of the heart. They will literally buck against the very DNA inside them. They will act contrary to their nature because of their perceived nurture, all because they no longer trust in my character, in my goodness. Their nature and my nurture must be aligned, reconciled.

Our relationship with God is like that too. Our family relationships are a shadow of something much deeper - something much more real.

If for some reason we have come to believe that God has somehow hurt us or abandoned us or "taken" a loved one or betrayed our trust in any way, then a lie has taken root in our heart. This lie starts to grow and creates a wedge between us and God. We no longer trust Him. We no longer trust in His goodness. We are no longer sure about His nature - no longer sure about His "good will" toward us. We take a step back. Our nature and His perceived nurture are no longer aligned in our hearts and minds.

I'm convinced this is Satan's #1 goal. He "kills, steals and destroys" and then tells us it was our Father who did it. We see these lies wrapped cleverly in sheep's clothing - in statements such as "God works in mysterious ways" or "God needed them in Heaven" or "God is controlling everything" or "God gives and takes away".

Do you see it?

It's interesting to me that Jesus actually referred to Satan as a father. He called him the "father of lies."

Don't confuse the father of lies with the Father of Lights! Align your nature with His good nurture. You can trust Him. Seriously, you can. He really does love you no matter what. Go be a sponge and imitate, illustrate and reflect your Father of grace. He is watching, with a smile on His face.

"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow." - James 1:17

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