Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Body of Christ

I often hear Christians say, especially during election season, that God is in control. We are encouraged to vote through the lens of our Biblical worldview but then we're reminded that no matter what happens "God is in control."

As a standalone statement I don't believe that is helpful.

Throughout Scripture we see that God's control and manipulation of situations was dependent upon the cooperation of people. Noah had to build a boat. Abraham had to move to a different country. Moses had to face Pharaoh. David had to kill Goliath. Even God Himself, when we couldn't save ourselves, had to enter into our physical realm in Christ to do so. It is the reason the incarnation was necessary. 

"The heavens are the LORD'S heavens, but the earth he has given to the children of men."
- Psalm 115:16

The Church is the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:27). That is, His physical presence on Earth. WE are now the incarnation of Christ (God) on Earth. WE are now the Spirit of God wrapped in flesh. His hands, His feet, His arms, His legs.

If His hands are not helping, God's hands are tied. If His feet are not moving, God's feet are bound.

God is only "in control" to the degree His sons & daughters are stepping into their identity as the Body of Christ on Earth. Is the Body moving? Is the Body working in unity? Is the Body advancing the Kingdom? If yes, then God's control is manifesting on Earth. If the Body is paralyzed by fear, division, the evening news, distractions or elections, then no, God's control is not manifesting on Earth and He remains imprisoned inside unbelieving believers.

"Christ in YOU is the hope of glory." - Col. 1:27

"YOU are the light of the world." - Matt. 5:14

"YOU are Christ's ambassadors." - 2 Cor. 5:20

"I confer upon YOU a Kingdom." - Luke 22:29

"All creation waits in eager expectation for the CHILDREN OF GOD to be revealed." - Rom. 8:19

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