Leaven (or yeast) is a substance that has a fermenting quality. It has a
penetrating or diffusive power to it - a little goes a long way. It
spreads particle to particle and causes a little piece of dough to rise
up and become bread.

When I was a teenager I remember having life all figured out. In a way
it was kind of fun approaching life with such confidence and pride.
There was nothing that could stop me - I knew everything and I had my
whole life ahead of me. I was king of my kingdom. I didn't need the
advice of my family and friends. I was 'smart' enough to figure life out
for myself.
This is the leaven of the Pharisees - close minded reliance on our own understanding. It is rooted in selfish pride. See, there is a way that seems right to us - a way that seems good. But who's "good" is it? In the words of John Bevere, is it good or is it God?
The thing about deception is that it's deceptive. No one believes they are being deceived until they hit the brick wall.
The leaven of the Pharisees is goodness apart from God. Knowledge without wisdom. Scripture without Spirit. Religion without relationship. Talk with no power or demonstration. Mind knowledge over heart knowledge. Our real ears are the ones attached to our heart - not our heads.
There is a river flowing to the heart of God. We must hop in and trust His rhythm, His flow - the gentle lap of His water flowing in and through us. See, the same hands which knit us together are the hands that lead us. The same breath which called us forth is the same breath which continues to blow. This is the unforced rhythms, the whisper - the true leaven, of our Father God.
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