Friday, September 30, 2016


No person or denomination has perfect theology. Not me, not you, not anyone. Ironically, the quicker we let go of the illusion of knowledge the quicker we stumble into the Truth. There were two trees in the Garden - Knowledge and LIFE. One caused death, one brought life. One does stuff. One is stuff.

Human beings have this insatiable desire to side with those who believe the same way they do - the same way their parents did - their grandparents did, etc. It starts as cliques in grade school and ends with what we call religion. Our desire to feel included and "right" far outweighs an honest, childlike curiosity for the Truth. The real Truth. Even if the bridge to the other side is a little shakey. Even if we have to go alone. Regardless of the implications. Like orphans searching their whole lives for their birth parents, regardless of what they might find out about them. Faith is the essence of things hoped for.

I have talked with many people - Lutherans, Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians, Charismatics, Baptists - who are simply showing up on Sunday mornings because their parents did, and their parents did, etc. They believe in God, they're pretty sure He's Jesus and they are simply "doing" the only thing they know to do.

Go to church.

But it needs to be a Lutheran church. A Catholic church. A Methodist church. Because I would never betray the dead faith of my grandparents. That is, if it works out schedule-wise. For sure on Christmas and Easter though.

Theology is important but Jesus didn't say we will recognize good doctrine by how it aligns with our statement of faith, He said we will recognize it by its fruit. That is, it's result. Is the teaching causing real life change and pointing people to the King of kings? If so, eat and be filled. If no one in your church pew is dramatically changing for the better, throw it out and leave.

Seriously. If you're not excited about God you haven't been properly introduced.

We must not judge. We must not be offended. Look at the fruit. A person could have been transformed from a drug-addicted prostitute into a missionary in Africa. If their doctrine seems a little "off" to us, we need to take a good look at our own. Take God out of your denominational box. He was never there anyway.

You cannot cage a Lion like this.

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